oh for the love of monkeys and fishes........

lol, so this morning I had my head filled with the random images of what occurs in a bachelor pad on the third friday of the month by a male co worker. I think the words spankaroonie and face slapping with fish were mentioned. It is a world that is dangerous and slightly insane, I have been steadily piecing the strange world together whilst at college for the last 5 years. I thought that I might be slighty qualified to understand somewhat of goes on since I lived with two brothers most of my life, but I am telling you, you put more males in a place together plus freedom and potatoes, girls its just not pretty.


bec said...

and the older they get the worse it gets

B-rad said...

Wow, this is kinda becoming a guy bashing blog. Although I think Richard Gear and Tom Cruise deserve a bashing. A dang good bashing. If I have to see one more movie where the plot is based on Tom Cruise running, bad things are going to happen. I recently saw an edited version of the Last Samurai. It was a unique role for Tom because this time when he ran, he did it in Samarai armour